The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request. A full article resource Directory Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:43:08 +0000 en hourly 1 Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:43:08 +0000 malik Max Out your Financial Aid: Get your Fafsa Done Early
Several schools are seeing a record-breaking number of college applications this year, The New York Times reported today, with the competition for open spots more fierce than ever. An increased demand for admission can mean increased demand for financial . . . → Read More: Max Out your Financial Aid: Get your Fafsa Done Early]]>
Max Out your Financial Aid: Get your Fafsa Done Early
Several schools are seeing a record-breaking number of college applications this year, The New York Times reported today, with the competition for open spots more fierce than ever. An increased demand for admission can mean increased demand for financial aid, so if you need money from grants and student loans to help pay for college, the earlier you can submit your application for financial aid, the better.
It may not be on your list of favorite things to do, but getting your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) filled out and submitted is a must if you want to qualify for federal need-based financial aid like Pell grants, Perkins loans, and Stafford student loans.
FAFSA Deadlines
The U.S. Department of Education will accept the FAFSA anytime between January 1 and June 30, but your state or school may set earlier deadlines. In fact, the FAFSA website encourages you to apply as soon as possible on or after January 1 to meet college and state aid deadlines.
Some schools, particularly those with a rolling-admissions program, may award their limited need-based grants, student loans, and work-study financial aid awards on a first-come, first-served basis or have priority deadlines in place. So the earlier you get your FAFSA in, the more you may be able to maximize your federal financial aid award.
How to Get Started
Get a paper FAFSA application from your high school counselor or your financial aid office. Or download the online version from the FAFSA website at:
Go to the FAFSA website and sign up for a PIN number at: In order to submit your FAFSA online, you’ll need the PIN to electronically sign your FAFSA application. You’ll also need the PIN to make corrections to your information online later, if you need to.
Get the documents you need and fill out your FAFSA. The FAFSA will ask you for your previous year’s tax info, as well as your parents’ tax info if you’re a dependent student. If you or your parents haven’t received your W-2s or filed your taxes yet, keep going! The DOE allows you to estimate your income and tax information on the FAFSA and then correct it later if you need to. Submit your completed FAFSA by mail or online.
About 4–6 weeks later, you should receive a Student Aid Report in the mail summarizing your FAFSA info. Make corrections, if needed, and submit your SAR for reprocessing.
If your application is selected for verification, your financial aid office may ask you to submit tax returns or other documentation. To avoid delays in being awarded your federal grants and college loans, make sure you meet your school’s deadlines.
If you’re a FAFSA newbie, getting through the application may seem overwhelming at first, but you can get free help from a number of sources: Set an appointment with your high school counselor, call your financial aid office, or contact the U.S. DOE’s Office of Federal Student Aid online at: or by calling 1-800-433-3243.
Life After the FAFSA
If it turns out you’re not eligible for need-based federal aid, you may be able to get the additional funds you need from non–need-based federal college loans, like PLUS loans and unsubsidized Stafford loans.
If your education-related costs still exceed your available federal financial aid, both need-based and non–need-based, you may be able to get the financial assistance you need fromprivate student loans. Since federal student loans generally offer more attractive terms than private student loans, though, you should always look into your federal financing options first.
Learn more about Private Student Loans and Student Loan Consolidation.
Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.
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]]> 0 Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:42:44 +0000 malik Cyber Communication INC: Training & Business Development Video 1 Work Shop on “Understanding eMarketing” 1. What is eMarketing… 2. How to advertising on face book works. 3. Getting Started with Search Engine Optimization. 4. Are Events A Good Marketing Stategy… 5. Are You Achieving Your Online Goals 6. What is . . . → Read More: Futuristic Cyber Communication INC: Training & Business Development : Video 1]]>
Futuristic Cyber Communication INC: Training & Business Development Video 1 Work Shop on “Understanding eMarketing” 1. What is eMarketing… 2. How to advertising on face book works. 3. Getting Started with Search Engine Optimization. 4. Are Events A Good Marketing Stategy… 5. Are You Achieving Your Online Goals 6. What is Affiliate Marketing. 7. Strategic Alliances Making Friends 8. How to be innovative with your Marketing Internet marketing, also referred to as i-marketing, web-marketing, online-marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or e-Marketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet.: Business models: Internet marketing is associated with several business models: * e-commerce — this is where goods are sold directly to consumers (B2C) or businesses (B2B) * Publishing — this is the sale of advertising * lead-based websites — this is an organization that generates value by acquiring sales leads from its website * affiliate marketing — this is the process in which a product or service developed by one person is sold by other active sellers for a share of profits. The owner of the product normally provide some marketing material (sales letter, affiliate link, tracking facility). * local internet marketing – this is the process of a locally based company traditionally selling belly to belly and utilizing the Internet to find and nurture relationships, later to take those relationships offline. * blackhat marketing – this is a form of internet …
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Just a little video letting you all know that I am back.
When Will Gay Americans Have Equality Steven Townsend Video Rating: 4 / . . . → Read More: Lets Put A Gay In The White House]]>
Just a little video letting you all know that I am back.
When Will Gay Americans Have Equality Steven Townsend
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No one likes to be hurt or suffer from an injury as the result of an accident. No accident can be more dangerous than those involving motorcycles. If you or someone you love was injured from a motorcycle . . . → Read More: Denver Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawsuits Need a Colorado Motorcycle accident lawyer]]>
Denver Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawsuits Need a Colorado Motorcycle accident lawyer
No one likes to be hurt or suffer from an injury as the result of an accident. No accident can be more dangerous than those involving motorcycles. If you or someone you love was injured from a motorcycle accident, you are legally entitled to financial compensation to cover any medical costs and medicine charges, loss of earnings if you’re unable to work with your injuries.
A good motorcycle lawyer can also make sure you are awarded for other factors, as well. If any injuries suffered are permanent, you can seek out a compensation payout to cover the fact you can never work again. Compensation will also cover any mentally and physically suffering.
In most instances, your motorcycle accident was the fault of someone else’s recklessness. This is the person you will seek out compensation from for all the damages you suffered. It is important to contact a Denver Motorcycle Lawyer right away.
Victims of a motorcycle accident have the legal right to file charges against the liable party. However, to get fair compensation for all damages, you must prove that the accident occurred due to the other person’s negligence or fault. Filing claims for compensation in court of law involves a great deal or paperwork and legal complications that you or I would often find difficult to understand.
A motorcycle lawyer, with specialized skills in personal injury law, investigates what factors led to the accident. These include the liability of vehicle distributors, parts manufacturers, and retailers and other vehicle accessories and safety gadgets suppliers by looking into the possibility of the vehicle having a defect that was the actual cause of the whole accident.
A professional motorcycle lawyer can help you receive fair compensation for any and all damages you may have suffered. Victims are entitled to seek compensation for the following damages through the assistance of a motorcycle accident lawyer:
??? ?Medical expenses which include the cost of treatment and rehabilitation
??? ?Pain and suffering
??? ?Mental anguish
??? ?Loss of wages
??? ?Property damage to either repair or replace the damaged motorcycle
??? ?Compromised lifestyle. This concerns permanent disability for the victim as they are forced to live a compromised lifestyle
??? ?Other losses resulting from the accident
Filing a legal claim for compensation is your legal and civil right. If the motorcycle accident was not your fault, there is no need to suffer in silence. Contact a motorcycle injury lawyer and get your compensation claim started today.
Because of the high damages involved, and complex issues regarding federal regulations and determination of fault, a truck accident injury claim is best handled by a qualified attorney. The Colorado law firm of Chalat Hatten & Koupal PC offers a record of success in obtaining compensation for victims of 18-wheeler, tractor trailer, and large commercial truck accidents throughout the state.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Best answer:
Answer by TweetI’d use sheers so as not to block the stain glass.
What do you think? Answer below!
]]>Question by wildflowerrb: i have three large picture windows bordered with stain glass on the top.?
what kind of curtins should i put up?
Best answer:
Answer by Tweet
I’d use sheers so as not to block the stain glass.
What do you think? Answer below!
]]> 6 Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:38:49 +0000 admin All About Zinc SupplementsZinc supplements provide a much needed mineral that is needed by each and every cell in your body. The body is unable to produce zinc on it’s own, which is why we need to makes sure we eat enough food that contains the mineral, drink . . . → Read More: All About Zinc Supplements]]>
All About Zinc Supplements
Zinc supplements provide a much needed mineral that is needed by each and every cell in your body. The body is unable to produce zinc on it’s own, which is why we need to makes sure we eat enough food that contains the mineral, drink enough water, or use the proper supplements that will give our cells the zinc they need.
Zinc is very important, as it plays a crucial role with hundreds of processes in the human body. The most prominent functions include support of the immune system, joints, tissues, along with aiding in cell growth. Zinc supplements have also been proven to eliminate sexual dysfunction, boost sexual function, aid in the health of the hair, and help with skin wound healing.
No matter how you look at it, zinc plays an important role in the function of most of our senses, which includes the ability to taste, smell, and also sight. Research has indicated that zinc can counter vision loss in the event of macular degeneration. A deficiency of zinc on the other hand can lead to dulling of the taste buds, along with the ability to detect scent.
Although zinc is an essential vitamin for our bodies, taking too much of it can be a bad thing. Research has proven that taking more than 100 mg daily for an extended period can cause damage in the immune system. Older folks on the other hand, can benefit from taking zinc if they have a deficiency. The supplement can actually help older people bring their intake back up to the levels they should be at.
When taking zinc supplements, you should always remember that zinc can indeed interfere with your absorption of copper. For this reason, a lot of experts recommend that they should be taken together. Anyone who takes a zinc supplement should take it as part of a well balanced diet, to ensure that other vitamins and minerals work together with the zinc.
With most dietary supplements in the U.S. being unregulated, you should always choose a manufacturer who is GMP compliant. Manufacturers that are GMP compliant will always follow the manufacturing standards of zinc, in order to minimize and quite possibly eliminate the risk of contaminants that you could be getting from the supplement.
If you choose your supplement wisely, you shouldn’t have to worry about any problems. You can buy zinc supplements at GNC, online, or other nutrition stores. It isn’t expensive either, which makes it a welcome edition to your diet. You should always consult with your doctor if you suspect that you have a zinc deficiency, so that he or she can tell you exactly how much zinc you need on a daily basis. This way, if you aren’t getting enough in your normal diet – you can get the supplements you need.
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]]> 0 Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:38:43 +0000 admin Aloe Vera Plant ? The Silent HealerAloe Vera Plant – The Silent Healer Plant Description
Aloe Vera is a perennial, a succulent plant belonging to the lily (Liliaceous) family that grows up to 4 feet tall. Its tough, fleshy, spear-like leaves that can grow up to . . . → Read More: Aloe Vera Plant ? The Silent Healer]]>
Aloe Vera Plant ? The Silent Healer
Aloe Vera Plant – The Silent Healer
Plant Description
Aloe Vera is a perennial, a succulent plant belonging to the lily (Liliaceous) family that grows up to 4 feet tall. Its tough, fleshy, spear-like leaves that can grow up to 36 inches long contain clear gel in a central mucilaginous pulp.The plant is grown in most subtropical and tropical locations, including South Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Most people today know of Aloe Vera because of its inclusion in many popular cosmetic products. Over the years, the plant has been known by a number of names such as “the wand of heaven”, “heaven’s blessing”, and “the silent healer”.
Plant History
For thousands of years, the Aloe Vera plant has been used for medicinal purposes to heal a variety of conditions, most notably burns, wounds and skin irritations. Ancient history records show that mankind has known about the therapeutic benefits and the healing properties of Aloe Vera for more than 5,000 years. Evidence supporting the early use of Aloe was discovered on a Mesopotamian clay tablet dating from 2,100 BC. In 1862, George Ebers was first to discover its antiquity on an Egyptian papyrus dated 1,500 BC that he bought in Cairo. In this papyrus that had been found in a sarcophagus excavated near Thebes a few years earlier, Aloe Vera, as an herbal preparation, was mentioned no fewer than 12 times. Known as the “plant of immortality”, Aloe was presented as a burial gift to deceased pharaohs. Also, reference to Aloe is made in the Bible – “nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with every kind of incense tree, with myrrh and aloes and all the finest spices” (Song of Solomon, 4:13-15) In addition, legend suggests that Alexander the Great even conquered the island of Socroto in the Indian Ocean so that he had a supply of Aloe available to treat the battle wounds of his soldiers. As well, throughout most of the 18th and 19th centuries, Aloe was one of the most frequently prescribed medicines and it remains one of the most commonly used herbs in the world today.
Chemical Composition
Aloe gel is 99% water, but it also contains substances known as Glycoprotein and Polysaccharides that speed the wound-healing process via cell proliferation and repair. Aloe gel also contains 75 different substances including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, anthraquinoneor phenolic compounds, lignin, saponins, sterols, amino acids and salicylic acid.
Research results
Clinical evaluations have revealed that the pharmacological active ingredients are concentrated in both the gel and rind of the Aloe Vera leaves. These active ingredients have been shown to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Aloe Vera gel has gained tremendous popularity for relief of burns, with individual success in helping minor burns like sun-burns. In a review of scientific literature, researchers found that patients who were treated with Aloe Vera healed an average of 9 days sooner than those who weren’t treated with the medicinal plant. Aloe creams and lotions are also known as skin irritation sedatives and may improve symptoms of certain skin conditions such as psoriasis.
Available Usage
You can get Aloe simply by breaking off leaves of the plant, but it is available commercially in hundreds of skin care products including cosmetic creams, lotions and sun blocks. Usually the Aloe Vera gel is produced as a thick gel by mixing it with other ingredients or by taking the water out of the gel.
The commercial forms are usually better than the natural one because of their concentration and because other natural ingredients are added to the Aloe Vera gel. Combining the healing power of Aloe Vera with natural ingredients makes the products most beneficial for healthy skin and for specific skin conditions. Examples of commercial cosmetics that use the Aloe Vera gel healing power are:
Men’s after shaving creams;
Body creams and lotions;
Hair masks, shampoo and conditioners;
Hand and foot skin treatment creams;
Shower gels and lotions;
Face creams and masks.
All right reserved to Dead Sea eShop
Many Thanks to Gayleen Garvin for here tremendous help
We sell cosmetics & beauty products, all made from the unique minerals of Dead Sea, enriched with natural oils, plant extracts & vitamins & include all skin care compositions: face anti-wrinkles & anti-age creams, makeup removers, hair creams & styling lotions, body lotions & creams, hand & foot creams, soaps & SPA.
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]]> 0 Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:38:43 +0000 malik Prevent Heart Disease – Cardio CocktailReverse Heart Disease
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Naturally. Clean out Your Arteries – Dissolve Blockages in Your Arteries.
There is a Powerful Amino Acid called L-Arginine that can actually dissolve blockages in your arteries and thereby preventing and reversing heart . . . → Read More: Prevent Heart Disease – Cardio Cocktail]]>
Prevent Heart Disease – Cardio Cocktail
Reverse Heart Disease
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Naturally. Clean out Your Arteries – Dissolve Blockages in Your Arteries.
There is a Powerful Amino Acid called L-Arginine that can actually dissolve blockages in your arteries and thereby preventing and reversing heart disease Naturally.
L-Argine Can Lower LDL blood Cholesterol, Prevent and Reverse the Effects of Diabetes, Prevent Cancer, Prevent and Reverse Osteoporosis and Much More.
When L-Arginine is Combined with L-Citruline it is even more Potent.
L-Arginine is used in your body to make Nitric Acid. This is not only awesome for your Heart Health but it is also a powerful way to Naturally Prevent and Cure Impotence Erectile Dysfunction.
The L-Arginine that you Take Must be properly formulated or it will not work the way you Need it to. Some Scientist call L-Arginine the Miracle Molecule. If you take an L-Arginine with Sugar in it than it not work and in fact may cause harm.
L-Arginine Provides Support for Your Entire CardioVascular System, Helps to Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels and Give you and Energy Boost.
L-Arginine is Necessary for the normal functioning of the pituitary gland.
Cardio Cocktail Contains 5000 mg of L-Arginine along with L-Citruline and a Powerful Blend of High powered Nutrients to Get your Health where it needs to be.
Your in Charge of Your Health. Let know One tell you what have is not Curable. Learn More – STUDY and you find that there is a Cure for Everything. If one person anywhere was cured of what THEY say you have than Why Can’t You be CURED.
Crystal L. Cox is An Alternative Medicine Researcher. She has researched Natural Cures for over 20 years and is dedicated to you feeling good, Preventing Disease and Curing Dis-Ease Naturally. Crystal is a Distributor for ForMor Internation because their products are Ph balanced and are formulated in a dosage High Enough to actually feel the difference and measure the Results. Cardio Cocktail is Your Fountain of Youth.
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]]> 0 Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:38:42 +0000 admin Wholesale Exports Jewelry, Indian Fashion and Costume Jewelry – Supplier IndiaStar Divine is 3 yr old Company meeting the International standards for Imitation Jewelry. And now has introduced itself to the Garment Industry as well. This website is made with the objective of creating a landmark in the field of . . . → Read More: Wholesale Exports Jewelry, Indian Fashion and Costume Jewelry – Supplier India]]>
Wholesale Exports Jewelry, Indian Fashion and Costume Jewelry – Supplier India
Star Divine is 3 yr old Company meeting the International standards for Imitation Jewelry. And now has introduced itself to the Garment Industry as well. This website is made with the objective of creating a landmark in the field of Indian and Asian clothes and Jewelry. Providing a unique collection of style, designs and art. All designs are handwork and carries an air of elegance and style with them. We made the best effort to provide service keeping in mind our customers requirement in details. We look to serving your needs and sure to bring in more in the coming days……..
Our range of quality products includes the most Exquisite collection of highly gorgeous Indian Fashion Jewelry at wholesale rate : Fashion Jewelry Kundan Necklace Sets, Fashion Earrings, Rings, Artificial Fashion Jewelry, a collection house of fashionable Costume Jewelry, wholesale cubic zirconium jewelry, wholesale sterling silver jewelry, wholesale silver jewelry, fashion inexpensive jewelry, cheap fashion jewelry from India, artificial and imitation necklace sets. Our aim is to attain maximum customer satisfaction by providing them quality products and excellent customer service. We have a wide acceptance across the world for our array of Indian Jewelry.
We at “Star Divine” stands for mutual trust, honesty and integrity in all our transaction. We believe that all successful businesses achieve success based on certain business ethics and values. Our business is based on certain principles and values, and can boast of having satisfied customers all over the world who insist on doing repeat business only through us.
We’ll try our level best to offer full customer-satisfaction to those who put faith in us by completing transactions and doing business with us. As in any natural business, it’s possible that sometimes there will be difficulties and problems but we believe that it’s best to admit a mistake than to offer lame excuses.
Star Divine , brings you everything you need know about Indian Fashion Jewelry products. Make your customers decide their fashion style or fashion interest. Our manufacturing process has been vertically integrated to facilitate all the processes under one roof. This enables us to reduce the time spent in completing your order. All our machines are the latest available in the market which are ideally complimented with talented artisans who blend technology and tradition with perfection.
Shopping from India – Buy Gorgeous Fashion Jewelry Necklaces Directly from India – Wholesale Indian fashion jewelry items to blend with your Costumes. Spot out our store of unique fashion jewelry collection and more …..
Some important quotes delivered by Famous People:
“Honesty is the first chapter in the Book of wisdom. Let it be our endeavor to merit the character of a just nation.”
–Thomas Jefferson
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford
?Our goal is to offer high quality fine jewelry and expert advice. We welcome questions and feedback from customers, and if you’re a member of the press trade or have a public relations opportunity, please contact us.
With years of experience in the jewelry business, we know every facet and detail of the jewelry we offer. Just like your personal jeweler, we understand your specific needs and concerns. Call us and experience our expertise firsthand, or interact with us at our details.
Products :
You can find in our store jewelries of different price range and a variety of designs. We have divided our Jewelry collection into Necklace sets, bangles, earrings. We also keep rings, glass bangles, bindis, jhumka earrings. In Necklace collection you get from simple designed Pendant sets, to colorful Beaded Necklaces, to heavy and light Kudan Sets. Our Indian Jewelry category contains some lovely Wedding Jewelry from price range – . At the same time you can get cheap sets with colorful kundan stones for just – .
Hot Designs in Polki Pendants, Necklace Sets and Bangles are from our new collections.
In Bangles we have for you lovely stone-studded bangles costing – and beaded bangles for – , chooras for – , glass bangles for – , jhumka bangles for – .
Get our fancy and fashionable cheap earrings for .50 – .50 and beaded chandelier, jhumka earrings at a range of .50-.00 and stone studded earrings for – .
We can also supply you bindis or any other product you are interested in. Just let us know your requirements in details.
Costume Jewellery – The stone studded Elegant and stylish Jewellery are categorised as the Costume Necklaces. They come in more bright color ranges. They are mostly for Party Wears and also for Office wear. These are mostly Out door purpose Jewellery. You get them in the traditional Indian style to more tempting and exotic look. Colorful sparkling stones are seen filling up the Set. You get artificial Pearl Jewelry or faux pearl Long necklaces in this category. Each Jewelry is an individual made up and very different from the other.
Bangles – There are various types of bangles available in the market. Primary distinguishing factor for these is the material that is used to make the bangles. This may vary anything from glass to metal to lac and even rubber or plastic. We keep all kinds of Bangles. From traditional indian style to very exotic designs. We keep beaded bangles, stone bangles, lac bangles, lac studded with stone bangles, gold color bangles, party wear chooras, jhumka bangles, dangling bangles, metal chooras……… We keep a wide range and style in Indian bangles. Please send in your enquiry about the requirement and quantity.
Chooras : We manufacture colorful Chooras for both hands. We keep a wide variety in Wedding Chooras. You get both Metal Chooras and Lac Chooras from Star Divine. Our Lac Chooras are very much in demand. These Lac Chooras are embedded in different style with mirrors, stones and? beads. They are Bulky and covers the wrist totally. You also get Metal Chooras in different colors. Size available are 2.6 and 2.8. We have a vast catalog in these designs. Please contact us for more details.
Jhumka Bangles : Ethnic stylish Jhumka Bangles are still worn worldwide for their look. Bangles with danglers are called Jhumka Bangles. We manufacture these in different style and color. You get from simple danglers to long dangling chains. These bangles are mostly studded with beads. They come in wide range of colors. We can also custom make these Bangles according to your size requirements. Please send in your enquiry for more details.
Earrings – Stone Earrings is the most demanding? Jewelry. Star Divine keeps a wide range in them. Chandelier Earrings are our speciality. We also keep Jhumka Earrings, Danglers, Clip ons, Stud Earrings or earring tops. You see most Bollywood? Jewelry at our catalog. Excellent party wear to shopping to daily use items are found here. To view our entire catalog of items please send in your enquiry and we will reply you instantly.? Star Divine is a market place of Jewelry items where you get all category of items in one place.
Indian Jewellery – We have all range in Jewelry. You get these Indian Necklace Sets with Mang Tikka and Earrings from very cheap range to costly glamorous designs. They start from as low as – to -. You get each item in various color ranges. Color range differs from necklace to necklace. We also keep Bridal Jewelry in Kundan, Polki and Stones. To view more design please send in your enquiry with your requirements. Bridal Necklaces are more broad looking and most comes in complete sets with Hath Panja, Long Earrings and Nose Pin.
Now a days, Imitation Jewellery or Artificial Jewelry is the choice of the mass. Gold Jewellery is being substituted by Artificial Kundan and Indian Fashion Jewellery. These Fashion Jewelries are light, lustrous and cheap which has been constantly evading off the costlier Gold Jewelry
We also keep Salwar Kameez and Sarees.
Salwar Kameez – Great Designer Wear Salwar Suits. We have all unstitched Salwar Kameez. It makes purchase cheap yet you get a high end boutique variety from us. All our salwar kameez are hand made which makes them more elegant. You get a wide range in the Latest Fashion Trends – Cotton, Georgett, Silk as well as in Fancy Material. Work done in them are stone, sequin and beaded. In fact get your Salwar Kameez stitched from us for only 15 USD. We also keep Hand Embroidered material pieces for 30 USD and above.
Our products are eye catching and its our effort to bring in more new lavish?deisgns. We upgrade our website eveymonth with our new products.
Thanking You.
Shagun Da
Star Divine
We are selling our products for the last 3-4 yrs and our market covers world wide. We work with Reputed Couriers like FedEx and DHL with the motive to reach our customer from every corner of the earth. It will our immense pleasure if you send in your comments about our products.
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Gold Price in an Unstable Economy
One explanation for the increase in today’s gold price is that it is adjusting for the past 26 years of monetary inflation. The consequences of the adjustment in the gold price will be a decrease in American’s net worth and an increase in their food and energy costs.
Under a gold standard, or in a market, citizens can exchange their paper currency for gold. The gold standard gold price equals the supply of currency in circulation divided by the total supply of a country’s gold bullion. The graph below illustrates the relationship between the gold standard gold price (black line) and the actual gold price (red line) since 1950.
Influence on gold price:
The day price of gold is driven by supply and demand. Because most of the gold ever mined still exists and is potentially able to come on to the market for the rightprice, unlike most other commodities, the hoarding and disposal plays a much bigger role in affecting the price. At the end of 2006, it was estimated that all the gold ever mined totaled 158,000 tons. Given the huge quantity of stored gold, compared to the annual production, the price of gold is mainly affected by changes in sentiment, rather than changes in annual production. In times of national crisis, people fear that their assets may be seized and that the currency may become worthless. They see gold as a solid asset, which will always buy food or transportation. Thus in times of great uncertainty,particularly when war is feared, the demand for gold rises.When dollars were ully convertible into gold, both were regarded as money.? However, most people preferred to carry around paper banknotes rather than the somewhat heavier and less divisible gold coins. If people feared their bank would fail, a bank run might have been the result. This is what happened in the USA during the Great Depression of the 1930s, leading President Roosevelt to impose a national emergency and to outlaw the ownership of gold by US citizens.
In 1950, the gold price was .72 and the gold standard gold price was .77. In 1971 gold price was allowed to float against the US dollar, it naturally increased. The reason for the increase was the gold price was adjusting for the 30 years of monetary inflation created by the Federal Reserve Bank.
Gold is the most popular precious metal in which people invest. It is a safe-haven agaainst any economic, political, social or currency-based crises, such as: investment market declines, currency failure, inflation, war and social unrest. Gold is unlike a bond. Gold pays no interest. But, Gold cannot become worthless like a bond can. The values of both rise and fall in free market trading.
Gold is also not a stock.Gold has no employees, no unions, pays no health insurance, has no overpaid CEO, no need to borrow money from a bank, and is recession-proof. Gold simply sits there in your vault quietly doing its job. You can see why for the average stock broker or financial advisor, Gold remains a total mystery.
Sadly for their clients, stock brokers seldom recommend investing in Gold or Silver. Despite the remarkable year-over-year gains they continue to ignore the gains being generated during the current bull market. Throughout history gold has often been used as money and, instead of quoting the gold price, all other commodities were measured in gold.
Stocks and Bonds prosper in strong economic times and bear higher risks in bad times. By contrast, Gold ignores recessions and does well when these and other traaditional investments fail.
From 1950 to October 1979 the gold price was adjusting for 30 years of monetary inflation. As the graph illustrates, the gold price equaled the gold standard gold price several times between 1979 and 1983.
In 1979, the gold price stayed within 10% of the gold standard gold price for 12 weeks, 11 of which the gold price stayed within 5% of the gold standard gold price.
In 1981 the gold price again stayed within 10% of the gold standard gold price for 31 weeks, 7 of which were with 5%, despite a decrease of 482,261.25 ounces of US owned gold since 1979.
In 1982, the gold price again stayed within 10% of the gold standard gold price for 2 weeks, including 1 week within 5%, despite a decrease of 96,452.25 ounces of US owned gold since 1981.
Finally in 1983, the gold price again stayed within 10% of the gold standard gold price for 8 weeks, including 6 weeks within 5%, despite a decrease of 643,015 ounces of US owned gold since 1982.
Over the course of 3.5 years, the gold price tracked the gold standard gold price in spite of a 30% increase in the currency and a decrease of 1,221,728.5 ounces of US owned gold. The gold price followed the gold standard gold price within 10% for 30% of the time, and within 5% for 15% of the time. This suggests that the metric used to value gold during this period was the currency divided by the ounces of US owned gold. Thus the market backed the US dollar with gold even though the US wasn’t on an official gold standard.
For the gold price to adjust for the past 26 years of monetary inflation, the price will equal ,286.06 (dividing the currency 9.1 billion by 261,498,900.32 ounces of gold held by the US). Since the Federal Reserve Bank’s average yearly increase in the currency since 1929 is 8% (11.5% since 1971), the 86.06 gold price will continue to increase an average of between 8% and 11.5% annually. If similar price increases were to occur today as in the 1980s, the gold price could peak as high as 00, and could easily reach 00.
The first fixing took place on September 12, 1919 amongst the five principal gold bullion traders and refiners of the day. The price of gold then was four pounds 18 shillings and ninepence per troy ounce. Due to government controls and war emergencies, the London Gold Fixing was suspended between 1939 and 1954. Prices of gold are fixed in United States dollars (USD), Pound sterling (GBP) and European Euros (EUR).
Historically, the Fixing took place twice daily at the City offices of N M Rothschild & Sons in St Swithin’s Lane, but since May 5 2004 it takes place? by telephone. In April 2004, N M Rothschild & Sons announced that it planned to withdraw from gold trading and from the London Gold Fixing. Barclays Bank took its place from 7 June 2004, and the chairmanship of the meeting, formerly held permanently by Rothschilds, now rotates annually. On January 21 1980 the Gold Fixing reached the price of 0, a figure which was not overtaken until January 3 2008. This is when a new record of 5.35 per troy ounce was set in the morning Fixing. However, with inflation, the 1980 high would be equal to a price of 98.21 in 2007 dollars. So, the 1980 record still holds in real terms.
The consequences of an increase in the gold price are frightening. A store of value is one of the hallmarks of gold. An ounce of gold retains its purchasing power over time. Because of this, prices measured in ounces of gold remain constant in the long run. Three examples are the gold/oil ratio, the gold/CRB ratio and the Dow/gold ratio. To calculate the gold/oil ratio (currently 13.76), divide the gold price (38.90) by the oil price (.75). Other ways to say the same thing would be to say that 1 ounce of gold will buy 13.76 barrels of oil or a barrel of oil costs 1/13.76 of an ounce of gold. The graph below illustrates the gold/oil ratio since 1946.
If the return on bonds, equities and real estate is not adequately compensating for risk and inflation then the demand for gold and other alternative investments such as commodities increases. An example of this is the period of Stagflation that occurred during the 1970s and which led to an economic bubble forming in precious metals.
The price of gold is quoted in USD per troy ounce.
Since May 2004 it has been conducted by telephone. The chairman begins with a ‘trying’ price. The five fixing members’representatives relay the price to their dealing rooms. And these are in contact with other dealers. The market members then declare how much gold they are prepared to buy or sell at that price. The dealers, who are in contact with their clients, may change their order or add to it or cancel it at any time; the position declared by the dealers is the net position outstanding among all their clients. (If one is buying two tonnes and another is selling one tonne, then he declares himself a buyer of one tonne.) If more gold is required than is offered, then the price will be adjusted upwards (and vice versa) until equilibrium is reached. At this point the gold price is fixed. On very rare occasions the price will be fixed when there is disequilibrium, at the discretion of the chairman of the fix.
A tradition of the London Gold Fixing was that participants could raise a small Union Flag on their desk to pause proceedings. Under the telephone fixing system, participants can register a pause by saying the word “flag”, and the chair ends the meeting with the phrase “There are no flags, and we’re fixed”.
While gold is traded in markets throughout the world, the market is essentially homogenous since the gold price is always in dollars and the gold traded is “loco London” (gold deliverable in London and meeting London trading standards). The London PM fix is normally considered the main reference price for the day and is the price most often used in contracts. ?
Maximum Profits Investing in Gold
In uncertain times, like we find outselves in today, precious metals will act more like a currency- preserving wealth and resisting deflation forces. There have always been unique periods in American history in which Gold and Silver suddenly act if they were the most scarce
Gold Price in an Unstable Economy
One explanation for the increase in today’s gold price is that it is adjusting for the past 26 years of monetary inflation. The consequences of the adjustment in the gold price will be a decrease in American’s net worth and an increase in their food and energy costs.
Under a gold standard, or in a market, citizens can exchange their paper currency for gold. The gold standard gold price equals the supply of currency in circulation divided by the total supply of a country’s gold bullion. The graph below illustrates the relationship between the gold standard gold price (black line) and the actual gold price (red line) since 1950.
Influence on gold price:
The day price of gold is driven by supply and demand. Because most of the gold ever mined still exists and is potentially able to come on to the market for the rightprice, unlike most other commodities, the hoarding and disposal plays a much bigger role in affecting the price. At the end of 2006, it was estimated that all the gold ever mined totaled 158,000 tons. Given the huge quantity of stored gold, compared to the annual production, the price of gold is mainly affected by changes in sentiment, rather than changes in annual production. In times of national crisis, people fear that their assets may be seized and that the currency may become worthless. They see gold as a solid asset, which will always buy food or transportation. Thus in times of great uncertainty,particularly when war is feared, the demand for gold rises.When dollars were ully convertible into gold, both were regarded as money.? However, most people preferred to carry around paper banknotes rather than the somewhat heavier and less divisible gold coins. If people feared their bank would fail, a bank run might have been the result. This is what happened in the USA during the Great Depression of the 1930s, leading President Roosevelt to impose a national emergency and to outlaw the ownership of gold by US citizens.
In 1950, the gold price was .72 and the gold standard gold price was .77. In 1971 gold price was allowed to float against the US dollar, it naturally increased. The reason for the increase was the gold price was adjusting for the 30 years of monetary inflation created by the Federal Reserve Bank.
Gold is the most popular precious metal in which people invest. It is a safe-haven agaainst any economic, political, social or currency-based crises, such as: investment market declines, currency failure, inflation, war and social unrest. Gold is unlike a bond. Gold pays no interest. But, Gold cannot become worthless like a bond can. The values of both rise and fall in free market trading.
Gold is also not a stock.Gold has no employees, no unions, pays no health insurance, has no overpaid CEO, no need to borrow money from a bank, and is recession-proof. Gold simply sits there in your vault quietly doing its job. You can see why for the average stock broker or financial advisor, Gold remains a total mystery.
Sadly for their clients, stock brokers seldom recommend investing in Gold or Silver. Despite the remarkable year-over-year gains they continue to ignore the gains being generated during the current bull market. Throughout history gold has often been used as money and, instead of quoting the gold price, all other commodities were measured in gold.
Stocks and Bonds prosper in strong economic times and bear higher risks in bad times. By contrast, Gold ignores recessions and does well when these and other traaditional investments fail.
From 1950 to October 1979 the gold price was adjusting for 30 years of monetary inflation. As the graph illustrates, the gold price equaled the gold standard gold price several times between 1979 and 1983.
In 1979, the gold price stayed within 10% of the gold standard gold price for 12 weeks, 11 of which the gold price stayed within 5% of the gold standard gold price.
In 1981 the gold price again stayed within 10% of the gold standard gold price for 31 weeks, 7 of which were with 5%, despite a decrease of 482,261.25 ounces of US owned gold since 1979.
In 1982, the gold price again stayed within 10% of the gold standard gold price for 2 weeks, including 1 week within 5%, despite a decrease of 96,452.25 ounces of US owned gold since 1981.
Finally in 1983, the gold price again stayed within 10% of the gold standard gold price for 8 weeks, including 6 weeks within 5%, despite a decrease of 643,015 ounces of US owned gold since 1982.
Over the course of 3.5 years, the gold price tracked the gold standard gold price in spite of a 30% increase in the currency and a decrease of 1,221,728.5 ounces of US owned gold. The gold price followed the gold standard gold price within 10% for 30% of the time, and within 5% for 15% of the time. This suggests that the metric used to value gold during this period was the currency divided by the ounces of US owned gold. Thus the market backed the US dollar with gold even though the US wasn’t on an official gold standard.
For the gold price to adjust for the past 26 years of monetary inflation, the price will equal ,286.06 (dividing the currency 9.1 billion by 261,498,900.32 ounces of gold held by the US). Since the Federal Reserve Bank’s average yearly increase in the currency since 1929 is 8% (11.5% since 1971), the 86.06 gold price will continue to increase an average of between 8% and 11.5% annually. If similar price increases were to occur today as in the 1980s, the gold price could peak as high as 00, and could easily reach 00.
The first fixing took place on September 12, 1919 amongst the five principal gold bullion traders and refiners of the day. The price of gold then was four pounds 18 shillings and ninepence per troy ounce. Due to government controls and war emergencies, the London Gold Fixing was suspended between 1939 and 1954. Prices of gold are fixed in United States dollars (USD), Pound sterling (GBP) and European Euros (EUR).
Historically, the Fixing took place twice daily at the City offices of N M Rothschild & Sons in St Swithin’s Lane, but since May 5 2004 it takes place? by telephone. In April 2004, N M Rothschild & Sons announced that it planned to withdraw from gold trading and from the London Gold Fixing. Barclays Bank took its place from 7 June 2004, and the chairmanship of the meeting, formerly held permanently by Rothschilds, now rotates annually. On January 21 1980 the Gold Fixing reached the price of 0, a figure which was not overtaken until January 3 2008. This is when a new record of 5.35 per troy ounce was set in the morning Fixing. However, with inflation, the 1980 high would be equal to a price of 98.21 in 2007 dollars. So, the 1980 record still holds in real terms.
The consequences of an increase in the gold price are frightening. A store of value is one of the hallmarks of gold. An ounce of gold retains its purchasing power over time. Because of this, prices measured in ounces of gold remain constant in the long run. Three examples are the gold/oil ratio, the gold/CRB ratio and the Dow/gold ratio. To calculate the gold/oil ratio (currently 13.76), divide the gold price (38.90) by the oil price (.75). Other ways to say the same thing would be to say that 1 ounce of gold will buy 13.76 barrels of oil or a barrel of oil costs 1/13.76 of an ounce of gold. The graph below illustrates the gold/oil ratio since 1946.
If the return on bonds, equities and real estate is not adequately compensating for risk and inflation then the demand for gold and other alternative investments such as commodities increases. An example of this is the period of Stagflation that occurred during the 1970s and which led to an economic bubble forming in precious metals.
The price of gold is quoted in USD per troy ounce.
Since May 2004 it has been conducted by telephone. The chairman begins with a ‘trying’ price. The five fixing members’representatives relay the price to their dealing rooms. And these are in contact with other dealers. The market members then declare how much gold they are prepared to buy or sell at that price. The dealers, who are in contact with their clients, may change their order or add to it or cancel it at any time; the position declared by the dealers is the net position outstanding among all their clients. (If one is buying two tonnes and another is selling one tonne, then he declares himself a buyer of one tonne.) If more gold is required than is offered, then the price will be adjusted upwards (and vice versa) until equilibrium is reached. At this point the gold price is fixed. On very rare occasions the price will be fixed when there is disequilibrium, at the discretion of the chairman of the fix.
A tradition of the London Gold Fixing was that participants could raise a small Union Flag on their desk to pause proceedings. Under the telephone fixing system, participants can register a pause by saying the word “flag”, and the chair ends the meeting with the phrase “There are no flags, and we’re fixed”.
While gold is traded in markets throughout the world, the market is essentially homogenous since the gold price is always in dollars and the gold traded is “loco London” (gold deliverable in London and meeting London trading standards). The London PM fix is normally considered the main reference price for the day and is the price most often used in contracts. ?
Maximum Profits Investing in Gold
In uncertain times, like we find outselves in today, precious metals will act more like a currency- preserving wealth and resisting deflation forces. There have always been unique periods in American history in which Gold and Silver suddenly act if they were the most scarce
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